Encounter Christ. Experience Community. Embrace a Calling.




principles & Parables

Teachers: Chris Rainey, Henry Speed, Charles Pritt, & Wayne Robinson • Room: E222 • Type: All Adults

Over the next year, we’ll explore two key areas that shape our understanding of God and our Christian walk: the parables of Jesus and our church’s statement of faith. Jesus’ parables reveal profound spiritual truths about the Kingdom of God, human nature, and how to live as His followers. Alongside these, we’ll examine the core principles that unite us as a church. These beliefs provide clarity on who God is, who we are, and our mission. Together, we’ll see how Jesus’ timeless teachings challenge us personally and ground us in a shared faith that shapes our identity at Ogletown.


Teachers: Patrick Fieger, David Manley, John Stonkus Jr., Nick Taylor • Room: E218 • Type: All Adults

Bring your Bible for this in-depth study! This verse-by-verse exploration of Scripture will be continuing in Luke’s Gospel.

strolling through the scriptures

Teachers: Eddie Johnston & John Mason • Room: E224 • Type: All Adults

This diverse and interactive class is studying John’s gospel using a verse-by-verse and gospel-centered approach. Come build your understanding of Scripture, your dependence on Christ, and your relationships with others.


Teacher: Jeff Geshay & Matt Hall • Room: E118-119 (Doherty Room) • Type: All Adults

The goal of this class is to encourage people to do a better job of getting in the Word on a daily basis. This friendly class builds relationships from college age to senior saints. In February, we start with Hebrew and James; March will be 1 Peter through Jude; April will be Revelation; and May and June will move us to the OT with 1 and 2 Samuel.


Teacher: Jim Manning • Room: E223 • Type: All Adults

This highly interactive class for all ages uses various approaches to Scripture to develop a Christian worldview. This study is currently in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.


Teacher: Lisa Harmon & George Aiken • Main Building Conference Room • Type: All Adults

This class is studying the tribes of Israel in the book of Judges.



Teachers: Jared & Emma Harrison, Philip Gable • Room: E212 • Type: Ages 18-25

GreenRoom is currently going through the Gospel of John.


Teachers: John & Angela Stonkus, Carl Saquing • Room: E221 • Type: International Students

The International Ministry class is doing a study series on the book of 1 John, expositionally going through short blocks of passages. The main goal of the study is to answer the questions “What is a true Christian?” and “What are his marks?”. The apostle John in his first letter to the unnamed church provides the marks of the true believer or follower of Christ—the one “who knows God” and is “born of God” and of that of the false professor. It is hoped that this study will minister to both believers (for spiritual comfort and encouragement) and unbelievers (for true salvation).


Teacher: Ed Palsgrove & Larry Jester • Room: E213 • Type: 50+

Men and women over the age of 50 gather weekly for a friendly discussion of God’s Word. Following Lifeway’s Explore the Bible adult series, this study will be in Exodus and Leviticus.


Teacher: Bette Mitchell & Ellen Reitz • Room: M113 & M115 • Type: Women (50+)

Women, usually over the age of 50, meet together for friendly fellowship and to grow in their faith. This group is currently studying Jesus through the Scriptures.

ACCEssing the word

Teacher: Willy Ho, Jonathan Owen, & John Stonkus, Jr. • Room: E207 • Type: Adults with Special Needs

All are welcome to this fun class aimed to serve people with special needs, which is currently looking at Jesus’ ministry in Luke’s Gospel.