Ogletown is a growing family who follows Jesus and helps others follow Jesus. One sign of a healthy family is members who have embraced a calling to use the gifts, skills and abilities God has entrusted to them. You have gifts, the church has needs, and there is blessing all around when the two connect.
Trying to find a place to serve can be overwhelming and you may find yourself asking how to take the first steps. We want to highlight three main areas that you could consider serving at Ogletown. Take a look at the videos below to give you a glimpse into what it would be like to serve in these areas!
Kids COnnection
Watch the story of one unlikely volunteer who felt the call to step out of her comfort zone and serve the the smallest attendees at Ogletown.
We were all new to church at one point. Watch the story of a couple who was moved to serve because of the impact Guest Services had on their lives.